Business: Personal Wealth Generator and A Giveback to Society

7 Sep

Recently, I was stuck in a rut. As usual, I have high expectation on Noah And Alice and as a man, I’ve not been living up to my expectation or neither did I suck the marrow out of life. So last week, I purchased a book I had my eye on: Cashflow Quadrant: Guide To Financial Freedom by Robert T.Kiyosaki.

Penniless or Financially Free

To discuss my passions and dreams in a post is physically an impossible and insensible task. Therefore, forgive me for not making the introduction about myself I promised way way in the beginning of this blog. To just provide you guys some context: I am a greedy hedonist whose life has been the envy of many and failures which provided me with million dollars lessons. I have an ambition to be a self-employed quant who creates his own economic models for personal wealth generation.

And so, as I glanced through the bookshop for a good book to read, the word Financial Freedom gave my heart a little tug as if my body is saying to me, “buckle up boy, you gotta live life as a youth.”

As of now, I am still on the first few chapters of the book. But I must admit, I learned more in the first few chapters of this book than the entire End of Poverty all together. As a self-professed perfectionist, I’ve always wanted to get hands-on with my projects: blog, career, education and all. Without much insight, I’ve always see self-employment as an optimal solution. Though I’ve not been advised much, I pretty much figured out that employment would be a slow race to financial freedom. Besides the need to tolerate the big guns, the suppression of individuality and the wages are not that appealing. You pretty lose the rights of your work to your company. I believe if I actually have the intellectual capabilities of creating an economic model, it’s too valuable to be given away.

But as I read Kiyosaki’s side of reasoning, Business seems like a good first step before stepping in to investment. It’s already established that an economics model would be a wealth generator. But as I take into account the needed working hours and the capital, self-employment as good as it is, would n0t be a very ideal option after all.

As Kiyosaki explained, business is as much of the product as the system itself. When you start a business, products are of secondary concerns. It’s the system that keeps the operation going and the sales consistent. Besides, as qualification holders proliferate, starting up a business is actually a philanthropic action. After all, business generate employment. I would have the creme de la creme working for me, and they in turn have a secure job with high pay. The initial operation would definitely be hard to endure, but as soon as everything fall into place, the system would be generate income without you even working.

Moreover, the income generated could be used as investments: money working for money as Kiyosaki says. It wouldn’t be a bad idea if I get myself into this world of business. The next set of skills I should acquire could probably be strategic foresight.

Here is all for now. I am glad I am passionate again about life. This blog will definitely see some great changes in my life.


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